Thought you might like to see the birth plan I have drawn up.
Birth plan for Williams baby no 5
Just to let it happen. Let my body get on and do it.
To be supported to listen to my body and enjoy this amazing event in our family.
Four previous births have been straightforward – first in hospital, then three at home (last one in water); two babies born with me on my hands and knees, one standing and one squatting.
I have not had any pharmacological pain relief with any of my labours. I will use water, breathing, relaxation, laughter, positions, encouragement and the support of my family.
I appreciate the vigilance and support of a midwife but want to mostly be left to get on and do it by myself. I consent to regular checks of BP, temp, pulse and for the baby’s heart rate to be monitored by pinard or sonic aid. I do not want any internal vaginal examinations (I have had only one at each of my home births). Reminders to go to the loo would be useful!
I will have an inflatable birth pool up for the pain relief. I may end up giving birth there. I expect to use the whole house to labour in and will see where I end up to actually give birth.
My birth partners will be my husband Merlin, and my god-sib Jenny (was at Connor’s birth and is now a midwife in Hampshire). I expect the children will come and go. I would like them to have the option of witnessing the birth of their sibling if they wish. My sister, Becky, will be on hand to look after them. I find the presence of my family a positive influence (last time I had my brother, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, three children, husband and three midwives).
All things being well I want a natural third stage. In all my births I have had minimal blood loss. My two natural third stages have been quicker than the two managed ones and I experienced less intense after pains.
I would like a very unhurried time after the birth. I would like to pick the baby up myself, for Connor to discover the sex, and for baby to enjoy lots of skin to skin and cuddles. Weighing can wait. I would like to dress baby myself when I am ready. I will be breastfeeding.
I do not want a plastic cord clamp. I will provide a sterile cord tie.
Tom would like the option of cutting the cord (Adam did it last time); if, on the day, he doesn’t want to, then I would like Connor, Hannah or Adam to have the choice.
I do not consent to the baby being given vitamin K. I have looked into this in detail so it is my informed decision and I do not want to discuss it.
Should there need to be any deviation from this rough plan, including transfer to hospital, I expect to be fully involved in the decision. I am quite well informed in most aspects of childbirth, having run support groups, attended conferences, and read widely so have a good understanding of most of the issues. If I decide not to take your advice I will sign my notes to that effect.
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